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Integrative Medicine - A Natural Cancer Treatment

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Many people who go through chemotherapy, surgery and radiation treatment for various forms of cancer also desire information on natural treatments which are used in conjunction with the more traditional cancer treatments. Natural treatments used in conjunction with orthodox medical cancer treatment are known as Integrative Medicine. The treatment incorporates the healing arts into the medical treatment process. Some of the more popular natural cancer treatment methods are described below.

Chinese medicine is a form of natural cancer treatment that has been around for centuries. The goal of Chinese medicine is to treat the individual and not just eliminate symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on maintaining a healthy body by eating the right diet, taking vitamin supplements and herbal teas, exercising regularly and engaging in relaxation techniques. In Chinese medicine, cancer is viewed as a disease of the energy flow within the body. Chinese medicine seeks to maintain the natural balance of energy within and outside the body and this is believed to prevent the occurrence of cancer.

Complementary and Alternative cancer treatments by the natural cancer doctor include such practices as Reiki, Acupuncture, Tai Chi and Massage therapy. These practices do not attempt to cure cancer, but they do promote healing and well-being. A good example of an integrative practice is yoga. Yoga integrates breath control, physical exercise, meditation and deep breathing into a practice to enhance overall health. Many of these practices are part of an overall holistic program and have become very popular as an alternative cancer treatment.

In an integrative medicine clinic, patients get a well-balanced diet and are taught to make positive lifestyle choices. Sometimes an acupuncturist or chiropractor is also present at the clinic. The goal of this treatment program by the holistic oncologist is to find the causes of the ailment and treat it from the inside out. Patients receive treatment from both conventional and alternative practitioners. Treatments may also include complimentary therapies like massage and acupuncture or homeopathic remedies.

Nutritional therapies are another alternative cancer treatment option. This type of treatment involves balancing the body's natural acid and alkaline levels and encouraging the body to maintain the correct balance. Some of the treatments commonly used include vitamin and mineral supplements, special diets, herbal teas and nutritional therapies including drinking juices. Alkalizing liquids like lemon juice or green tea can increase the body's natural alkalinity. This beverage can also be taken in place of water or tea to enhance its effects.

Natural treatments that utilize alternative therapies have been shown to be as effective as conventional treatments when used over a long period of time. However, some side effects may occur from time to time and these should be considered before starting any type of natural therapy. Cancer is a disease that requires an extreme level of discipline and dedication in order to control. Complementary and alternative cancer treatments are just part of the comprehensive cancer treatment plan that a patient must have. See this page, visit